Food & Beverage Tips

Here are a recipe from Svenska Magasinet - How to make a nice sangria, which is a kind of wine punch named after the Spanish word sangre, meaning blood:
6 cl orange liqueur
6 cl brandy
1 bottle red wine/merlot, rioja, cabernet Savingnon
1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 orange, cut into thin slices
1 apple peeled and cored into fine pieces
1/2 cup of sugar and a piece of cinnamon stick and 3 cloves
33cl gaseosa or Seven Up and ice cubes
Mix the fruit with the sugar, cinnamon stick, cloves in a large pitcher, pour the wine, brandy and liqueur and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Place in refrigerator and let it sit for at least four hours, just before serving, add soda and ice cubes.

Drinks not to forget, here are some Spanish wines, we will gladly help you find the right via our network.
Photo Berith Walldén-Mårtensson.

Good food and drink is important, whether you're on a day trip, long trip, conference or other special occasions.
Picture Berith Walldén-Mårtensson, some good Spanish products...